The Enga Provin­cial government’s lofty aims of Enga becom­ing the edu­ca­tion­al hub of the nation, result­ed in need for a Teacher’s Train­ing Col­lege to be built, with three dor­mi­to­ries for male, female stu­dents and a mess hall.

Niug­i­ni Steel and Bar­low Indus­tries were select­ed by HBS Con­struc­tion for sup­ply of struc­tur­al steel and all alu­minum doors. lou­vers and win­dows respec­tive­ly. Niug­i­ni Steel fab­ri­cat­ed and sup­plied 400 tons of struc­tur­al steel, cov­er­ing the whole build­ing. Bar­low man­u­fac­tured high qual­i­ty bespoke win­dows, doors and lou­vres. The alu­minum frames were sourced from Ull­rich, New Zealand.

  • Wabag, Enga Province
  • PGK 33M
  • HBS Machin­ery
  • 2017 — 2020