Our Careers

“Our suc­cess is based on the peo­ple who work with us. That’s why we look for and devel­op the best employ­ees to help us build a work­place cul­ture that is safe, inclu­sive and high performing.”

Why Work With Us?


The PICSA PNG Group, com­pris­ing 19 com­pa­nies, is one of the biggest play­ers in the build­ing mate­ri­als sup­ply indus­try, with oper­a­tions in Port Mores­by, Lae and Rabaul. We employ over 2,000 staff, 98% of whom are nationals.

But we’re more than just man­u­fac­tur­ers, whole­salers and retail­ers. We help to cre­ate the spaces where our cus­tomers spend their lives – the places where their mem­o­ries are made and their futures take shape. So it only makes sense that our work­place is filled with devot­ed team mem­bers who believe in what we do and stop at noth­ing to get the job done right. We’re a close-knit group of pas­sion­ate peo­ple work­ing togeth­er to make big things hap­pen – for our cus­tomers and for each other.

Our suc­cess is based on the peo­ple who work with us. That’s why we look for and devel­op the best employ­ees to help us build a work­place cul­ture that is safe, inclu­sive and high performing.

Our com­mit­ment to gen­der diver­si­ty means women are encour­aged to apply for any posi­tion for which they may be suitable.


All avail­able jobs are list­ed in the table below. Click on a job title to view posi­tion descriptions.

Please read the full posi­tion descrip­tion for the role you are apply­ing for. The posi­tion descrip­tion will out­line the required skills and expe­ri­ence, work loca­tion, and any oth­er con­di­tions for employment.

For most roles you will need to e‑mail through a resume, along with a cov­er let­ter. When sub­mit­ting your resume and cov­er let­ter, it is help­ful to demon­strate how you meet the cri­te­ria for the role. It is not nec­es­sary to include details of your ref­er­ees on your resume. We will ask can­di­dates to pro­vide this at inter­view stage.

We look for­ward to receiv­ing your appli­ca­tion.  If you have the right skills and expe­ri­ence and are aligned to our val­ues, we hope you are suc­cess­ful, if not on this occa­sion then in a future application.