Electrical Wholesalers

“Sup­pli­er of a wide range of elec­tri­cal fit­tings for indus­try and gen­er­al trades alike. We oper­ate both a whole­sale and retail busi­ness in Port Moresby.

About Us

Elec­tri­cal Whole­salers (‘EWS’) is a sup­pli­er of all types of elec­tri­cal fit­tings for indus­try, and gen­er­al trades alike and oper­ates both a whole­sale and retail out­let, and is locat­ed in POM.

The full range of prod­ucts and ser­vices includes:

  • Light­ning, fans and oth­er fixtures
  • Meters
  • Safe­ty equip­ment and parts
  • Solar Solu­tions
  • Gen­er­a­tors
  • Elec­tri­cal tools
  • Switch­board

EWS draws on exten­sive resources and part­ner­ships to pro­vide stream­lined sup­port to PNG build­ing and con­struc­tion indus­try. With its own busi­ness-savvy and expe­ri­enced in-house team, EWS pro­vides excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice with focus on reli­a­bil­i­ty, qual­i­ty and safe­ty. They can advise on and sup­ply one-off projects through to major new development.